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Animals & Nature

Meet Zorro, the Father Cat with a Baby Kitten in the Making.



So, you know how animals and humans can have these cool markings that make ’em stand out? Well, there’s this super cute kitten with a black mask over his eyes, and they call him Zorro, like that masked hero all the kids love.

And guess what? Zorro’s got a new buddy, Bandit. Now, their owner, Indraini Wahyudin Noor, has a bunch of cats, but Zorro and Bandit are like the rock stars of the cat world. I mean, it’s kind of funny because Zorro’s got this mask, and in the cartoons, you can’t tell who’s behind it, right? But in this case, it’s all good.

Image Credit & More Info; iwhy_75/instagram | tiktok

Zorro’s become a dad to a bunch of kittens, and one of them takes after him in the looks department, especially with that black mask and cap. They went viral on the internet, and everyone’s loving them. One of their TikTok videos blew up, with millions of folks watching worldwide.

People are totally smitten by Zorro and Bandit. It’s not just their cool masks; it’s their awesome friendship that’s a hit. You can catch their daily adventures on TikTok, and don’t forget to follow their owner on Twitter at iWhy_. Their TikTok account? Well, it’s got a whopping 755.8K followers.

Animals & Nature

There Is A Cat Temple In Japan With Cute Cat Monks



Japan, renowned for its scenic beauty and thriving economy, has gained additional fame with the introduction of its first-ever cat temple in Kyoto. Known as ‘Nyan Nyan Ji,’ translating to ‘Meow Meow Temple,’ this unique establishment features cats as the resident monks.

Established in 2016, the temple is currently home to seven feline monks, with Koyuki holding the esteemed position of head monk. Koyuki particularly enjoys engaging with the devotees who come to visit the sacred grounds. The brainchild behind this novel concept is Toru Kaya. Beyond its spiritual ambiance, the temple also boasts a souvenir shop and a cat-themed café offering feline-inspired cuisine.

#1. Welcome to the Meow Meow Temple. (hotokeYK)

#2. The cats now have their own temple. (nekojizo)

#3. Meet Koyuki, the head monk of the Meow Meow Temple. (nekojizo)

#4. An entire shrine dedicated to cats. (yunhomania)

5. Cats have always been revered, so why not build them a temple? (yunhomania)

#6. Cat priest having a small nap. (nekojizo)

#7. Come here so that I can bless you. (nekojizo)

#8. The cat version of goddess Durga. (hellochiwakey)

#9. Currently holding the title of the world’s first cat head monk. (nekojizo)

#10. Meditation mode is on. (nekojizo)

#11. No rule that prohibits a cat monk from yawning. (nekojizo)

#12. This cat monk has clearly worked on remaining calm. (pastlivesofthenearfuture)

#13. And then there are adorable cat priests. (hellochiwakey)

#14. In memory of the cat monks who have left this world. (osamutabuchi)

#15. They even got statues of cats to worship. (nosmama)

#16. Got my own special spot in front of the shrine. (nekojizo)

#17. Worship me human! (nekojizo)

#18. Do not disturb me while I pray. (nekojizo)

#19. I’m no ordinary cat, so please stop touching me. (nekojizo)

#20. All ready to pray. (nekojizo)

#21. These beads are giving me Brahmin vibes. (nekojizo)

#22. Being a cat monk is no easy task. You need to get some good rest too. (nekojizo)

#23. Featuring the devotees of the Meow Meow temple. (tripadvisor)

#24. This is what praying sessions look like in the cat temple. (yunhomania)

#25. Apparently, this is how cats pray. (yunhomania)

#26. Just the right place for a cat lover to be. (yunhomania)

#27. Enjoy some cat-themed food at the Meow Meow Temple cafe. (yunhomania)

#28. Now that looks scrumptious. (kstagram15)

#29. How adorable is this cat teapot? (tripadvisor)

#30. Feast your eyes on this mouthwatering spread before you. (hiratama_tsubuan)

When in Japan, don’t forget to check out the Meow Meow Temple!

Image Credit & More Info; Facebook Instagram

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Animals & Nature

Woman Built A “Cat Ladder” For Strays So They Could Come In When It’s Cold Outside



Despite the picturesque beauty of winter, with its pristine white snow covering our surroundings, the accompanying cold can be quite challenging to endure. These chilly weather conditions have a profound impact not only on humans but also on animals. In Turkey, where the winter season brings about a considerable drop in temperature, a compassionate woman keenly observed the effects of the cold weather on stray cats and devised an ideal solution.

Sebnem Ilhan, a dentist residing in the town of Tekirdag, took the initiative to construct a cat ladder that provides access for stray cats into her home. She expressed her motivation, stating, “I made the ladder so the cats can come into my comfortable house.” Sebnem’s benevolence extended further as she transformed her residence into a sanctuary for stray cats in need of refuge from the cold.

Despite Sebnem’s well-meaning intentions, she harbored uncertainty about her neighbors’ reactions to her innovative project. To mitigate potential concerns, she strategically adorned the cat ladder with flower pots, envisioning them as decorative elements. Sebnem conveyed her thoughtful approach, stating, “I thought if I put some flower pots there, it wouldn’t bother anyone.”

We are pleased to report that Sebnem’s modest initiative has proven to be a success, garnering positive feedback. To date, numerous cats have gratefully accepted Sebnem’s generous offer, seeking refuge in her home as a warm and comfortable place to rest.

Sebnem’s compassion for animals extends beyond the construction of the cat ladder. She is a devoted animal lover actively involved in aiding creatures in dire need. In addition to her innovative project, Sebnem volunteers at a local rescue, dedicating her time to the well-being of stray dogs and cats in their care.

“I wish for no animal to experience hunger or thirst, only happiness. This world is not solely for people,” expressed the compassionate individual. Her story serves as a poignant reminder that animals hold significance, and caring for them is a deeply fulfilling endeavor. We earnestly hope that her acts of kindness inspire others to extend a helping hand to the vulnerable animals left to navigate the streets on their own.

Image Credit & More Info; sebnem.ilhan/Facebook | H/T; thedodo

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